Mind your own business

Is it ever ok to discipline someone else's child? At first it might appear as though the answer is a black and white - yes or no answer, but it is not that simple. Have you ever been out and you see another family and they have one child who just seems to be out of control, screaming, shouting abuse at their parents. Now I won't lie, before I had children I would be thinking shut your kid up, control them. Yet in my current position I definitely sympathise with parents more. There may be more to the story than the picture you see before you. To some people it might appear as though the child is very rude and has no discipline, the parents might seem unbothered by the child's behaviour. However now as a parent myself I have found myself in situations where your child might be pulling on your last nerve, and you refuse to lose control or start shouting in public. So you take the approach of ignoring them instead, and yes this might be to the discomfort of others. Those judge...