Lockdown 2020

Lockdown 2020

 How is everyone doing? It’s now been roughly five or is it six weeks since lockdown first took effect. To be completely honest with you, most days I am completely oblivious to what day it is. Where would I be without iCalendar! I started growing tired of lockdown relatively quickly. At around the week 3 mark I was like, OK covid-19 be gone with you! Yet here we are and it hasn’t budged an inch.

 I didn’t want lockdown to drive me crazy and neither did I want to view lockdown in such a negative light. Understandably what is happening around the world is terrible, people are dying alone, loved ones are unable to comfort one another in times of grief. Schools are closed and the world we once knew is no more. Yet whilst we are on lockdown we have to strive to make it through the best way we know how. For many this is a worrying time, there are more questions then answers. Peoples livelihoods have been turned upside down, final year exams have been put on hold and much more. How are we meant to respond to that?!

 Personally I have decided to do all the things around the house that I have been putting off for ages now. I do a little here and there everyday and to be fair I am getting there. I have also decided to get on with all of my projects that I have put off for so long, the way I see it, there is no time like the present. Take this moment to ask yourself what can you do to make this time not so unpleasant? Whether you have been made to be unemployed, working from home, house wife/husband, who knows. Whatever it is, maybe it’s time for you to put your feet up and just relax. It could be that you didn’t have so much time to spend with your family before, it might be time for a long catch up. Parle vous Francais? It might just be time for you to learn that language you’ve always wanted to learn. No matter what it is you have put off or not been able to to do, now is the time to seize the moment. Remember that we are not all the same, we all have different goals so what we are going to do will vary. So don’t feel bad or inadequate if what you decide to do doesn’t mirror someone else’s goal.

 For all the parent’s home schooling I salute you lol, we are in the same boat. I had an organised schedule for home schooling at first, and that went out the window on day one. Teaching a 7 year old who has set work and trying to teach and and entertain a 3 and 2 year old, whilst having to cook, clean, shop and everything else was not what I pictured it to be. I hardly did anything on schedule. I was so disappointed in myself and felt as though I had failed as a parent . Then you know what happened? The power of communication happened. In my child’s class the parent’s have a WhatsApp group which helps us to keep track and up to date with the latest from the children’s class. Anyway we digress lol what took place was one of the Mum’s asked ‘How is everyone finding home schooling? Really?’ When I tell you the responses started flooding in, some were trying to stick to the rota, others decided to let their children draw rainbows and do fun things. Whilst others were too stressed as loved ones were out working on the front line. I realised that I had been way too hard on myself and understood that I hadn’t failed as a mother. I’m not a teacher and there are a lot of things I have to do. So now life is more relaxed since I have taken the approach of we can only do as much as we can.

It is time to check up on loved ones and even those who you haven’t spoken to in a long time, whilst some of us might be enjoying lockdown, for others it could probably be the worst time of their lives. Let us come together and help in any way that we can. Out of sight does not mean out of mind.

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank all key workers and the NHS, for all the fantastic work they are doing. We thank you that you have continued to keep this country going. It is in times like this that real heroes are finally now being recognised. The work you are doing is not in vein and the world appreciates all your efforts.

 For all those who have lost family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, we send you our sincerest condolences. Many have been lost but they will never be forgotten. You are in our thoughts and prayers. United we stand, alone and together.

Guardians of the precious- Here to support you, so you may support your precious.

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  1. Congratulations and thanks for inspiring many people in this difficult time and uncertainty. Take it easy on you, you are a great ans strong mum. You should be proud of yourself. A lot of love. xx

  2. Thank you for this post, a much needed read, lockdown has been a confusing time for us all, but it's true what you said, let's use our time to do things we were too busy to do before and embrace this time.

    Can't wait for many more posts. 💕💖💕

  3. Well done to the frontline workers. A massive and respectable handclap very much deserved! The Lord's protection upon them and everybody in the world. This is a time to reflect, change negative to positive and most importantly seek the hand of God. Thank you for the post, aot to learn and reflect on. X


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