Your best self.


Children, Family, Work, Education, etc. We are all busy doing something. Life is not as structured as we often like to admit. It is not all black and white. Life is free and unexpected, and you and I are just here for the ride. With that in mind, have you ever taken a minute to just sit back and think of how well you are taking care of yourself?


Here at Guardians of the Precious, it is of the utmost importance to us that you take care of yourself. If you are unable to do so adequately, how can you be expected to look after someone else to the maximum of your ability. Have you ever heard the saying 'Your health is your wealth?'. Well this is absolutely true. If anything were to happen to you today then what would become of your precious children and your loved ones around you? Of course this is LIFE and we don't have much control over everything but you do have the ability to take some time out for yourself. If you are anything like me, then you are excellent at putting other people's needs before your own. As a parent this is what is expected of you however, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't be at your best whilst doing it.

I don't know about you but I always have plans in mind that I'm going pamper myself at the next best opportunity. Possibly organise a little get away BUT something always happens to get in the way. My great plans tend to be blown away like leaves on an autumn day.

Lately I have felt so run down. I constantly feel tired and generally I don't feel like myself, and that is simply because I do not take enough time for myself. So I am here, acting as your advocate, to encourage you to follow my lead and go and do something you have not done in a while, go on! It is much needed and you know it.


Yes I said it, let's pretend that we like exercising, lol. I for one detest it. Why we have to get all hot and sweaty and out of breath (maybe that's just me), to look and feel great is beyond my understanding, but that's just the way it is. I hardly enjoy exercising but I do enjoy seeing the results to all that hard work, and it's good to run down the road to the local shop without passing out.
Exercising does not just affect you physically but it also helps to clear the mind, and for some it acts as a good form of stress relief. Whether you join a gym or train at home, do something. Be realistic and start by doing something achievable, and take it from there. So until you and I get to the stage where we absolutely cannot live without exercising, let's at least pretend to like it.


In a world where we are constantly surrounded by technology, noise and financial worries such as rent, mortgages, insurance, etc. Please take time out and take a breather, put that phone down, stop talking, find a corner and just do nothing, just appreciate yourself. Sometimes you don't always have to wait for someone to encourage you, sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Maybe your day didn't set off the right way, that doesn't mean the whole day has to be the same, take the negative and turn it into a positive. Negativity makes me tired, it takes far too much effort, and generally speaking it is a complete waste of time. As you could quite easily be thinking or doing something a lot more constructive.

If you are still full of life and reading this post then your dreams can still come true. We live in an amazing time where doors of opportunity are all around us. You hear stories all the time of wonderful things happening to other people, why not you? Of course it can happen for you, what is it that you've been thinking about doing for a while? Stop thinking and start doing. Or maybe you started doing something but then life got in the way and you let it go, we'll go on, what are you waiting for? Go and complete it. One thing I've learnt about those who are rich and successful is that they are in that position because they simply tried, so why not have a go. It's nearly the beginning of a new day, be your best self, Dreams can come true. Make it your reality.

Guardians of the precious- Here to support you, so you may support your precious.


  1. Thank you, I really don't take enough time for myself as a working mum. This year this will be one of my goals ❤️

  2. My yearly resolution is to get my self some sort of pampering /spa every other month . I last had one 3 years ago !!!! - self care isn't selfish - THANK YOU FOR THIS POST .


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