To all the Men reading this post,

To all the Men reading this post, please do not stop reading when you see that the post is about a caesarean section (C-section). To those who have never had a C-section do not switch off. Whatever I mention will always be of some benefit to someone, better yet someone you might know.

Even if you have not undergone a C-section yourself, it can still affect you in one way or another.

Everyone's road to recovery after a C-section will vary in some way, shape or form, I decided to share my experience as it might help someone who is going through the same thing. Although each experience is individual, there are things that we will all experience.

I personally found recovering from a C-section to be quite a horrific experience, I’m not too sure as to whether that is because of what I was going through with the baby or because it was physically so painful. It not only took a toll on the affected area but also my whole body and state of mind. The first time I attempted to walk the day after the surgery was so tough and scary. Possibly due to the pain I was feeling I may have over thought the entire process. Firstly, let me start by sliding my right leg this way and then my left leg, etc. The nurse who was aiding me was extremely patient and encouraging. Even completing a simple task like moving my legs took about 30 minutes (I was really that scared), my body was shaking, I was sweating, it really took so much effort. I finally managed to stand up and take a few steps, I then felt faint, so I had to sit back down, but at least I had done it. Mission accomplished.

From then on, I was able to psyche myself up and motivate myself to get up and move, because all that time sitting down was really wreaking havoc on my bottom. My bum was constantly going numb, so were my legs and thighs, I was experiencing pins and needles in my feet, my feet were also swelling up, and my back was so itchy. I had to keep asking for almost every other task, I truly felt like a burden, although I knew my family and friends were more than willing to help me. I was realising and appreciating the gift of being able to do things for myself. I couldn't sleep well because I couldn't lay down, so my neck started stiffening up, and because I couldn't do what I wanted, I couldn’t move when I wanted, I started getting frustrated and upset. I would be up at night when my husband was asleep and just cry. What I was going through with the baby was horrible, I was exhausted and in pain. I wasn’t in my own bed as we stayed in the family accommodation provided by GOSH. I was also stressed, and my husband’s snoring did not aid matters. At times it felt as though I was in terminal 5 waiting for my flight from Heathrow.

I relied on my husband for every little thing, he had to help me to get to the toilet and get my food and so on. I know that he was also going through the whole stress about the baby, but he was also helping me which must have been hard on him. As a father he took it upon himself to be the rock for our family and shoulder the emotional burden.

I had to walk about 8 minutes to the hospital every day, even though this was hard, it was a blessing in disguise, it made me stronger in a short space of time. People could not believe when they saw me walking around, they'd would usually say 'you've just had surgery, what are you doing?' However, I didn’t really have a choice. It was really tempting to not walk an inch daily because of the pain and not to mention it was exhausting, but I wanted to see how my baby was doing.  I’m glad I did it but importantly I didn't overdo it.

For all those recovering after giving birth from natural birth or C-section, do not push yourself to the point where it backfires, and you end up back in hospital. It's good for you to mobilise each day, but you must also bear in mind that you need to get rest and take care of yourself diligently. This will enable you to have a speedy recovery, be healthy and get back to taking care of your beautiful baby.

I know that getting back in shape after giving birth is a big issue faced by many women. Do not follow these celebrities who snap back after just 24 hours, it’s all a facade. We don’t really know what they are doing so do not kill yourself following them. For those of you who have no problem whatsoever, good for you, but for some of us, we must work particularly hard. That can be very hard to do especially when you have a new born. My advice is for you to take your time, be safe and be healthy. Do not feel pressured by anybody, of course people will always commentate on your weight but honestly you should not allow that ruin your day.
If you are unhappy with your weight, then you have time to fix that so please do not stress.

For all those who are doing it by themselves I commend you, I hope you have a friendly neighbour, family member or someone who can come to your aid in your time of need, please remember not to hesitate to ask for help.

For those of you who are helping someone through the recovery phase, please be there and make yourself available to help and be patient, your support is a necessity and not everyone finds it easy to ask for help. I know we can be hard to handle at times, but we have our reasons. Remember, team work makes the dream work. Your assistance is very much appreciated.

Even months after the surgery I would sometimes feel pain where my scar was, although on the outside the wound would looked healed, it can take up to one year for it heal internally. You may be back on your feet but please take your time and do not over do it. Remember your health is wealth.

Guardians of the precious- Here to support you, so you may support your precious.


  1. lol I would have pinched 10's nose to wake him out of snoring 😂

  2. I feel so fortunate that my VoGM baby was with my 2nd C-section rather than my first. My first recovery was much like you describe here, and I shudder to think of combining it with the stress of VoGM.


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