‘We can confirm that you are finally able to take your baby home’. Woooohooooo! Amazing news, right?
‘We can confirm that you are finally able to take your baby home’. Woooohooooo! Amazing news, right? Well in reality my answer was somewhat mixed between Yes and No. Of course, I was overjoyed at the thought of taking our baby home and this was good news because it displayed that his condition was progressing. Yet I had anxiety about taking my baby home with this condition that I knew so little about. If you think back to my last post I spoke about finding the monitors at the hospitals scary at first but then they became a source of information. I now relied on them to tell me if there was anything wrong, so what would I do without them, how would I know if he wasn’t doing well and if something was going terribly wrong? Of course, the Doctors told me about any warning signs and what to look out for if he required to be submitted to hospital, but I was not satisfied. I took our baby home and it was soooooo nice being back in the comfort of my own home. Although...