We all need support. Here to support you, so you can support your precious.

I never imagined that I would spend so much time at a children's hospital, I never prepared for a sick child, I didn't see this coming, I wasn't prepared for this. In April 2016 my life was turned upside down. This caused me to re-evaluate everything, and my perspective on most things changed.  I was stuck at the hospital with my child, normal life as we knew it was no longer normal, but life continued. I was not working at the time, so I was at the hospital for as long as I could stay awake. My husband on the other hand was working and had already taken so much time off, so he had to go back.
I haven't told you what happened yet I know but that will come later.

 At times I was left alone, and when the doctors would come around on ward round, they didn't always come with good news, these are the times I wanted to scream and cry, but no one was there, sure the staff at GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital) were amazing but they were busy and had a job to do.

When I would see another parent crying and they were alone, it really struck a cord in my heart, all I wanted to do was go over and comfort them and let them know I knew exactly what they were going through. I would then be in two minds, hmm should I go over and offer a shoulder to cry on, but what if the other person felt like I was invading their privacy and just wanted to be left alone? What if they told me to go away? Well that would be very embarrassing. Should I just mind my business and turn my face? At times I would do just that, turn my face, but there's times that I just could not do that. I have now found that every time I have gone over just to offer a hug or a listening ear, it has been welcomed, I usually hear people say  'thank you, I really needed that'.

Therefore, I decided to create 'Guardians of the precious'. Our children are so precious, and those born with sickness or those that become sick are seen as even more precious. We are there to guard, protect, comfort and love them always. 

At hospitals such as GOSH they do everything they can to cater to our precious children, and they do an excellent job, we are very thankful for that, but, there is not that much support for us, the parents, guardians, and loved ones. 
We are there to be strong for the sick children, but we need to also keep our sanity. You cannot always keep everything in and go on like everything is OK. It is necessary for you to offload and release what you are carrying inside. You are not superman/woman, and even if you were, you would need a way to release.

Guardians of the precious is here for you, here you will read stories like your own and some that are different to yours. You will find encouragement and support, by all means feel free to release whatever you have been keeping inside. Sometimes it is easier to open up to strangers because you don't have to see them again. You will also be able to find useful and helpful information to do with services that will benefit you that you might not be aware of. 

Come and join us, as many of us are on this journey, some are just beginning, and some have come to the end, never the less, we are here for one another. The journey may be long, but it doesn't have to be lonely. You are not alone.

Guardians of the precious- Here to support you, so you may support your precious. 


  1. Absolutely amazing. Everything you have said has resonated with me. Thank you, and thank you for sharing. X

  2. Thank you for sharing , as when you get pregnant sometimes we just think about what the baby will look like, what is the baby’s sex and so forth and we tend to forget that there are many factors we need to consider as so much can happen such as what you have mentioned. It really makes you Go in to deep thoughts. Xxx


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