Good Grief

After countless conversations with a vast amount of people. I have come to the realisation that at some point in our lives there is something that we all have or will have in common, and that is experiencing grief. Grief is a part of life and is something that is unavoidable. Yet so many of us seem to struggle with dealing with grief. Why is this? Growing up, there were many things we were taught, many things we were prepared to expect. For the most part we are told to get an education which should pave the way for a good job. We are told we will meet someone to settle down with, maybe even have children and buy a nice house with a garden. Yet when we experience loss, what are we told? Personally I know when I was growing up, there were many aunties and uncles that died, yet none that I knew very well. The time I recall when I first experienced real grief was during secondary school and my friend was murdered. I remember feeling a whole range of emotions. I wa...