We all need support. Here to support you, so you can support your precious.
I never imagined that I would spend so much time at a children's hospital, I never prepared for a sick child, I didn't see this coming, I wasn't prepared for this. In April 2016 my life was turned upside down. This caused me to re-evaluate everything, and my perspective on most things changed. I was stuck at the hospital with my child, normal life as we knew it was no longer normal, but life continued. I was not working at the time, so I was at the hospital for as long as I could stay awake. My husband on the other hand was working and had already taken so much time off, so he had to go back. I haven't told you what happened yet I know but that will come later. At times I was left alone, and when the doctors would come around on ward round, they didn't always come with good news, these are the times I wanted to scream and cry, but no one was there, sure the staff at GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital) were amazing but they were busy and had a job to do. ...