To immunise or not to immunise? That is the question

This topic is such a wide and important one. It manages to split the opinions of people right down the middle. It is a common topic of discussion that arises when you have a child. At some point you are presented with a list of immunisations that your child apparently needs to take from birth. I would like to make this clear from the onset that I am in no way shape or form a medical professional. Neither am I qualified to offer advice, I am simply sharing my thoughts, views and opinions. Immunisation is the process of making a person immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically via vaccination. There is much conspiracy surrounding this topic which makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction. There are several reasons why people do or do not allow their children to be immunised. For some, it is for religious reasons, for others its from their own personal experience or safety concerns. I l know of some whom believe they simply do not...